Achieving Weight Loss
Melt off pounds in your own backyard!
If you’re like so many Americans, maintaining and achieving weight-loss goals is a constant struggle. Whether you’re suffering from a health related condition or considered at-risk, a sedentary lifestyle is often associated with, or can lead to, a decreased quality of life.
Proper weight management with physical exercise and diet is easier said than done, but we have hope for you, and a treatment solution.
If you’re struggling with your weight, there’s promising research that shows exercising and walking in warm water can offer considerable benefits. Water exercise can help reduce fatigue and pressure on joints, soothe aches, help with balance, and improve your function, mobility, and flexibility, allowing you to experience an overall better quality of life and well-being. If your weight-loss issues stem from pain or injury, then consider the success found with water exercise programs.

We understand that pain, frustration, and a risk of injuries may be keeping you from exploring exercise options. That’s one of the reasons Master Spas has developed H2X Swim Spas. This aquatic exercise tool will help you improve strength and relieve pain to achieve your weight-loss goals and better your physical condition. This is something you can now do from the privacy and convenience of your home.
Providing Hope
When you avoid activities and succumb to a sedentary lifestyle, you limit the use of your joints and muscles which can increase pain, and sometimes lead to depression and increased weight issues. Over time, your muscles can weaken and the joints and muscles can lose flexibility (or range of motion). Inactivity also can shorten and tighten muscles, causing you to feel more pain and stiffness – not only keeping you from exercising, but also from every day activities, which in turn makes maintaining and controlling weight more difficult.
With regular exercise, you keep joints moving, reduce joint pain, restore and preserve strength and flexibility, and protect joints against further damage. Exercise can also: improve your coordination and endurance; improve your ability to perform daily tasks like walk and climb stairs; increase energy; reduce fatigue; improve sleep; and lead to an improved sense of self-esteem and accomplishment.
If you have found different land-based exercise programs unsuccessful for your weight loss or management, consider exploring the benefits of water exercise (also known as aquatic therapy or hydrotherapy).
Anyone, no matter the age, weight, or fitness level, can participate and benefit from water exercise. In fact, because water provides a natural form of resistance for your body, almost any movement you perform in the water burns calories.

According to MayoClinic.com, the more you weigh, the more calories you’ll burn doing water exercise. For example, a 240 pound person burns about 600 calories per hour doing water aerobics, while a 200 pound person burns about 500 calories performing water aerobic exercise for the same duration.
Land vs. Water
Exercising and training in water provides an ideal, forgiving environment for losing weight. By using the natural resistance and buoyancy of water, you can increase muscle strength and range of motion in a safer environment, perform exercises without the impact forces from land-based treatments, and gradually increase to higher level training without adding stress to an injury. This is something land-based training cannot successfully offer.
Because of the accommodating resistance in water, the more you move, the harder the water pushes back. This forces your muscles to work harder, helping you burn fat and tone muscles quicker than land-based exercise programs.
Buoyancy counteracts gravity, thereby decreasing the weight placed on painful joints and the spine. In fact, when immersed to neck level, buoyancy supports 90 percent of the body’s weight, and in waist-deep water, buoyancy can support 50 percent of your body weight. Diminished weight bearing stress is one of the many advantages of exercising in water, allowing you to strengthen weak muscles and improve balance and confidence.
Research studies that compared upper and lower body workouts performed on land versus in the water, showed that exercises performed in water created a higher energy output than on land. These studies also explained the benefits of water exercise where both the upper and lower body movements were combined in the water, utilizing full body movements thereby expending more energy and burning more calories.

A popular water exercise for weight-loss programs is aqua jogging, which simulates running in water and exerts full body motions. Unlike jogging on land, aqua jogging spares your joints of high impact, or the shock equivalent of three to six times your body weight that travels up your legs and into your spine every time your foot hits the pavement.
A 2010 study in the Journal of Obesity looked at the effects of aqua jogging in obese adults and concluded that subjects who performed jogging in the water had reduced their body fat and waist size, and improved their overall aerobic fitness and quality of life.
Exercising in warm water also raises your body temperature, causing blood vessels to dilate and increase circulation of blood in your body. This can ease joint pain and improve flexibility, as well as raise your heart rate to burn even more calories during your workout. In addition, the soothing temperature and buoyancy of warm water massages your body and helps relax tight muscles, also helping with general mental attitude and depression.
Dr. Rick McAvoy, PT, DPT, CSCS, professor of hydrotherapy, has specialized in aquatic physical therapy for over 25 years and develops water based exercise, therapy, fitness, and training programs, utilizing Master Spas Swim Spas as a tool in his practice.
"I witness every day in my physical therapy and training practice the extraordinary power that water provides,” said McAvoy. “In the water, I’ve seen patient’s lives dramatically changed, not only from pain relief, but also for significant weight loss."
The Solution
Master Spas is committed to helping you achieve your weight-loss goals, and improve your overall physical health and quality of life. We have designed specific aquatic exercise protocols to help you achieve your fitness goals. And, we’ve developed a swim spa with features to meet your specific needs, so you can utilize this therapy in the convenience and privacy of your own home, more often and year round, for better long-term outcomes.

Aquatic exercise offers hope to those who are struggling to maintain and lose weight, and we are striving to provide the best possible solutions, bringing together the best in the industry for you.
Getting it Done Together
Just like land-based exercise programs, people are turning to independent aquatic exercise and therapy and are looking for credible in-home exercise protocols. That’s where we come in.
Dr. McAvoy has developed exercise programs exclusively designed for Master Spas to help you get the most out of your swim spa and give you step-by-step activities with the H2Xercise book that will specifically help you reach your goals to a better quality of life. We include the H2Xercise book with each swim spa, along with the H2Xercise System which includes a rowing kit and resistance bands to maximize your exercise and fitness results.

"I work full time and am a busy mother of three. I also suffer from rheumatoid arthritis. As I got older and after the birth of three kids, I gained more than 100 pounds that I never really took off again. One day I noticed how out-of-breath I was playing with my kids and I couldn’t keep up with them. Then I saw a picture of myself and asked my husband if that’s what I really looked like. Of course, my wonderful husband said it was a good picture of me. I decided then, I had to do something.
With rheumatoid arthritis, the cold tightens muscles and causes pain and the more you weigh the more joint pain you experience. Every morning was a struggle. I tried to walk on a treadmill but my feet would burn and I would max out at a 15 minute workout. I knew the only way to accomplish my weight-loss goals was to get in the water and I needed to get a Master Spas Swim Spa in my backyard.
It’s not like having a membership where you have to drive, day or night, to workout. And when you’re going through a weight-loss transformation, you don’t want to wear a bathing suit in a public place! With the swim spa, I just go in my backyard, do what I want, when I want, as much as I want. I get in it all the time – I’m like a fish now. It feels great - I love it!
It’s so much better than a pool in your backyard too, because you can use it all year-round, even when it’s 10 degrees and snowing! My kids love to have their friends over and I’m in there exercising and spending time with them.
I’ve transformed from an out-of shape, overweight person (who used to be an athlete), to a person who got her life back. I lost over 100 pounds and I can’t tell you everything it’s given back to me. Before, I was a spectator in my children’s lives and didn’t realize it. By getting this swim spa I didn’t just lose weight, it helped me gain my life and family back."

"I had been the primary caregiver for my husband suffering from cancer until his death in 2013. During that time, my own health was deteriorating and I became overweight. Since the loss of my husband, I decided to do something about it and my doctor suggested warm water exercise for my health issues and for weight loss. When I heard about Master Spas swim spas, I knew that was the perfect thing for me.
In the last nine months, I have lost 55 pounds and feel wonderful! Water exercise is the answer to what I was looking for in my journey to find something beneficial for my body. I jog, jump, paddle, and do core and arm exercises, but the whirlpool jets are my favorite. It feels like getting a massage – it’s like a fantasy world!
Besides the weight loss, I feel better, I have more energy and I just want to go, go, go! It’s unbelievable! People notice, it’s had such an impact on my attitude, I have more confidence and it affects my general everyday living.
I’m so thankful and highly recommend water exercise and the swim spa for anyone who has weight or health issues."